ADB over wifi
A simple demonstration of how we can build our app over the wifi
First connect your device and PC on the same network this is a must have.
Connect your device using a USB cable make sure USB debugging is turned on. I have shown you how to enable usb debugging in the previous email.
navigate to your sdk path => platform tools. To run adb commands, we need to open command prompt in this path. For this, click the address bar and type cmd and enter.
Type "adb" to test if adb commands are working. If not you will get a adb not recognized error.
We need your phones ip address to connect it to pc over wifi. So In phone navigate to settings=>System=>About phone=>status and you can see the ip address.
In the command prompt type following commands
adb tcpip 5555
adb connect [your ip address]:5555
Now you can disconnect your cable and run your apps over the wifi. Enjoy :).
Last updated